Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Alex started going to nursery school in January
He is just so handsome in his uniform.

Life at Plot 38 would be not nearly as sweet without one lovely lady, the real boss of the house, Monica. She takes such good care of us, spoiling us completely rotten by dealing with laundry, dishes and house cleaning. She also looks after those silly pooches when we're away and often when we're home, allowing Sahara to hide under her bed during thunderstorms, and even washing those mangy mutts when we have neglected to do so despite their stench. I often joke to Phil that if we did not have Monica, I may not be able to tolerate him due his habit of throwing dirty clothes within touching distance of the laundry hamper, but never actually in the laundry hamper.  (it may seem like a joke, but I think we are seriously doomed when we move!)  Monica makes a mean chocolate cake, organizes Tupperware (a tasks which makes me go mental), and is hilarious, caring and an overall joy to be around.

Monica not only looks after us, but is also a very savvy business woman.  As we trust her very much, when Monica first asked for a relatively large loan, we promptly agreed, interest free.  Monica used this loan to purchase land for her only son, Alex, now only three years old.  Land is the most valuable of commodities here in Uganda and securing a piece for a son is considered a priority. While Monica is a single mom and it is doubtful many of her contemporaries have been able to provide the same for their children, Monica has used her resources to the best of her ability, finding a good deal on land and making good on her loan in record time. She's one good momma!

Monica has since received another sizable loan which she is paying off currently, again at top speed. She has used this loan to purchase a motorcycle. Her motorcycle is rented out by a driver who uses it as a taxi, a boda boda. He pays her 50,000 Ugandan shillings ($20) a week and pays for the maintenance of the bike.  Monica is so clever that she got her son's father to rent her motorcycle and, in addition to these typical terms, he also must take their son Alex to and from school saving her a 15 minute walk each morning and afternoon.

We are so lucky and blessed to have Monica in our lives.

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