Saturday, December 11, 2010

Still Studying

Sorry for my silence, but I'm currently living in the John Rylands Library.  I hope to reintegrate into society around the 23rd of December when I fly to the States for Christmas, however, at this rate, that is only wishful thinking, as there's no way these essays will be complete.


  1. Boa sorte amiga! Tenho todo a confiança que conseguirás terminar os ensaios a tempo... (or something like that)

    I am combining: practicing Portuguese and commenting on your blog =)

  2. Keep on keepin' on!

  3. You can do it, Ang. One day at a time. And the Christmas will be here. :)

  4. Hang in there girl! If I could get all A's in my first quarter of pre-med courses at Univ of Cincinnati, then you will surely excel in your program! :-) love you girl! xo
